Percentage Distribution of Assistances those Households in Palestine Received by Assistance Source and Region, 2014

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Region Palestine Assistance Source
Gaza Strip West Bank
14.6 40.1 18.2 Ministry of social affairs
4.3 8.3 4.9 Other PNA institutions
3.3 0.3 2.9 Political parties/ factions
0.9 3 1.2 Zakat committees
13 4.6 11.8 International/ development agency
40.1 17.6 36.8 UNRWA
1 0.6 1 Arab or foreign states
9.2 1.5 8.1 Charitable/ Religions associations
3 16 4.9 Family and relatives
2 4 2.3 Friends/ Acquaintance/ neighbors/doers of good deed
6.9 0.2 6 Labor unions
- - - Local banks
0.1 - 0.1 Local reform committee
1.3 3.7 1.7 Other
100 100 100 Total